(937) 235-2400
7391 Brandt Pike Huber Heights, OH 45424

James Striebel Dental Blog

Dentist in Huber Heights Explains Link Between Gums and Brain

May 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstriebel @ 7:02 pm

Illustration of brainDental problems have been connected to a surprising number of overall health issues. One study that followed 597 men for 32 years found that periodontal disease – more commonly known as gum disease – is associated with a decline in cognitive function. What’s the reason behind this link? Here’s how gum health is related to brain health – and why regular visits to a dentist in Huber Heights could be even more important than you realize.


How Seasonal Allergies Can Affect Sleep Apnea in Huber Heights

April 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstriebel @ 12:25 am

man smiling while sleeping peacefullyHave you been dealing with sleep apnea in Huber Heights? If so, then the idea of a good night’s rest can seem like a thing of myth. To make matters worse, if you usually have to deal with seasonal allergies, it can exacerbate the situation. As you read on, learn about the connection between the two issues and how, with treatment from your local sleep dentist, you can fight back!


Your Dentist in Huber Heights Says It’s Time for a Spring Cleaning!

March 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstriebel @ 12:33 pm

woman smiling sitting in dentist chairThere’s something about spring that makes you want to clean and get things in order. Thus, you may find yourself organizing your house, car and other environments. Your dentist in Huber Heights says in the midst of making these worthwhile life improvements, don’t forget to tend to your oral health. Continue reading to discover why this is the perfect time for a preventive care visit!


Sleep Apnea Problems? Your Dentist in Huber Heights Can Help

February 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:37 pm

woman snoring due to sleep apneaAre you struggling with sleep apnea symptoms? Your dentist in Huber Heights can help. Dentists are trained to recognize problems with the mouth and throat, like the kind that cause most cases of sleep apnea. Sleep-trained dentists can also help to create a customized oral appliance to keep your airways open while you doze. You’ll soon be enjoying better rest.


The Importance of Treating Sleep Apnea in Huber Heights in the New Year

January 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstriebel @ 9:15 am

woman angry at husband for snoringDid you spend the last 12 months feeling lethargic and irritable? If so, the cause may be sleep apnea in Huber Heights. Now that a new year has started, it’s a great time to seek therapy so that you can get the rest your mind and body need to function at their optimal levels. Learn what sleep apnea symptoms you should be on the lookout for and the treatment methods available to help you recover.


The Perfect Holiday Smile with Teeth Whitening in Huber Heights!

December 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstriebel @ 9:17 pm

woman perfect smile brown hairThe holiday season has kicked off, and you’re excited about opening gifts and spending time with your family and friends. One thing you’re not pleased with, though, is the appearance of your smile. That’s because you have teeth stains. As a result, you’re hesitant to pose for any holiday photos and your confidence has waned. Thankfully, there is help for you with teeth whitening in Huber Heights. Find out what you stand to gain!


Are These 5 Myths About a Dental Implant in Huber Heights True?

November 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstriebel @ 7:16 pm

older man smiling blue shirtIf you are missing any number of teeth, it can affect the surrounding ones and lead to bone loss. Furthermore, it makes it harder to speak correctly, to eat food normally and to smile with confidence. A dental implant in Huber Heights is the best form of tooth replacement available, but there are 5 myths that must be addressed. Read on to learn about them.


Which Toothbrush is Best for Me? Your Huber Heights Dentist Explains

October 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstriebel @ 8:48 pm

Man and woman brushing teeth.So you brush your teeth everyday for the best oral healthcare, but are you using the right brush? There are so many different toothbrushes on the market that it can be overwhelming when looking at your options in your local oral healthcare aisle. How do you know which one is best for you? Keep reading to learn the importance of using the right brush and when you should be replacing your toothbrush from your Huber Heights dentist.


Now Is a Great Time to Bring Your Child to a Dentist in Huber Heights

August 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drstriebel @ 8:20 pm

A child at his dental appointment.With the school year just around the corner, it’s incredibly important that your child is prepared. Getting all their school supplies ready, buying new clothes and getting their sleep schedule on track all matter, but when was the last time you scheduled a visit to their dentist in Huber Heights?

Getting them scheduled now not only makes future visits easier, but ensures that their oral health is in good condition and ready for the school year.


Here’s What Teeth Whitening in Huber Heights Can Do For You

July 22, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:05 pm

Smiling woman with bright teethHuber Heights has a great motto: “come grow with us.” Our community’s thriving economy and world-class educational system offers all its residents the chance for self-improvement. Sometimes, though, issues such as white-spotted teeth can cause appearance issues or even affect your overall health. Teeth whitening in Huber Heights offers a safe, effective solution in many such cases.


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